Training & Conferences

For 9 consecutive years, we have jointly hosted, together with the University of Birmingham, Centre of Applied Psychology, a series of annual conferences entitled “New Directions in Sex Offender Practice”. These conferences have attracted international attention and have been attended by almost 1000 delegates.

Please follow this link for more information

We have experience in delivering bespoke training including working with sexual offenders, forensic risk assessment, expert witness training and working with people with personality disorders.  As part of the Offender with Personality Disorder pathway, our practitioners delivered training to over 200 probation officers.

Individual and group rates available. Areas of training include:

  • Personality disorder.
  • Forensic risk assessment.
  • Working with people who commit sexual offences.
  • Understanding the lifespan and developmental pathways to offending, mental health, substance misuse.
  • Assessments in dysfunctional parenting.
  • Psychoeducation for patients.
  • Legislation, best evidence-based practice, in psychological assessments for parents in family courts.
  • Snoezelen – theory and practice.