Dr Alyshia Murgatroyd-Giffen is an Associate Forensic Psychologists at FPP Ltd and holds a Doctorate in Forensic Psychology in Practice and a BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychology.
Dr Murgatroyd-Giffen has experience in working for the NHS at a Low Secure Service for adult males and has experience working with male and female adults and young people in forensic services. This has included Category A and B HMPS, Medium and Low Secure Hospital Services, and Community Services. She also have extensive experience working with individuals with mental health and neurodevelopmental conditions. She has specialist interest in forensic risk assessment and intervention of young people with sexually harmful behaviour.
Her research interests include onthe Influence of Pornography and Young People’s Sexual Health and Behaviour (publication in Journal of Sexual Medicine), Development of Pornography and Sexual Health Inventory (POSHI), to be further developed into validated psychometric tool, to assess a wide range of pornographic interests and sexual behaviours in young people. Further data from initial study to be analysed and published at a later date.
Dr Alyshia Murgatroyd-Giffen, as a Co-Programme Director for an MSc course and Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology.