Wendy Morgan is an Associate Consultant Forensic Psychologist at FPP Ltd. She holds a BA (Hons) Psychology, MSc Forensic Psychology, MSc Occupational Psychology and BPS Registered Qualification in Test use: Forensic Contexts. She is a Chartered (C.Psychol) and Registered Forensic Psychologist.
She has over 22 years experience of working in a range of settings. She has provided forensic psychology services to the Parole Board of England and Wales, Her Majesty’s Prison Service (High Secure Estate), Schools Domestic Violence Abuse Shelters and local Authorities. She is currently contacted to provide Consultant Psychology services to forensic units providing support and intervention to men and women with learning disabilities, challenging behaviour and drug and alcohol issues.
She has specialist interest in the treatment, management and risk assessment of violent /sexual offenders. She has particular expertise in the assessment of Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence. She has published papers in relation to forensic assessment of young people, assessment of couples where there are allegations of violence, assessment of sex offenders within South America and the impact of domestic violence on male victims. She has lead on three BPS consultation documents in relation to legislation, practice and policy in relation to domestic violence and abuse.
She has over 15 years experience in providing expert witness evidence on forensic, clinical, mental health and family matters. This includes providing advice to initial Child Safeguarding Conferences. Her expertise has been used in proceedings at Magistrates, County, Crown and the High Court courts and Parole Boards. She has acted for the defence, complainant and on the instructions of the court, often acting as a Single Independent Expert Witness.